Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cottage Pie, Hugh Grant and Vicky in one day

List of things as to why Jan 4th was even better than Jan 2nd (refer to post #1):

1. I measured my hands against Hugh Grant's at what seems to be London's Hollywood Walk of Fame, i.e. practically the front stoop of my hotel.

2. I visited the National Portrait Gallery and saw original portraits of some of my favorite historical characters, Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and even Shakespeare (an odd misfit in my list of royalty, but not really since he wrote during the Elizabethan era...I learned a few things!)

3. In my quest to be a local, I ate Cottage Pie. It makes you think of cottage cheese, or maybe a cozy meal in a warm cottage on a cold day, right? It's more like the latter: ground beef in a hot delicious gravy under a layer of mashed potatoes. It's nothing I haven't eaten before, but the layout and flavor combination was simply deliighhtful! The funny thing is the dish description said the entree was accompanied by a "generous helping of steamed vegetables"...I guess two trees of broccoli, three strands of overcooked carrots and three string beans are considered "generous" here, am I unaware of a famine going on? Or maybe I still have American super-sized servings in mind...

4. Probably the best part of my day: I saw my friend Vicky from when I lived back near Cancun that I haven't seen in 10 years!! Incredible! We had so much to talk about, we only got to her part of her life story today. Wednesday night is reserved for mine hehe. Why London you may ask? Well, she's visiting her boyfriend who's from here, so I guess it took London to bring us back together!

Anyway, time to hit the sack, I start work tomorrow. I guess living in London doesn't come free after all :)

Toodles until next time,

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