Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm in London on the worst snow day in 20 years. Figures!

Looks like Syracuse follows me wherever I go! Today I woke up to a thick layer of white outside my doorstep, only to find out that this is the worst day of snow London has seen in 20 years. Mind you, this is a mild snow day in Syracuse, but for London, this is huge! So huge, that train lines are suspended, flights are cancelled, taxis are running sparingly, and the tube lines are in slow motion. I was a victim of this disaster this morning, when I arrived to the tube station, only to discover we weren't even being let inside! Finally, we all made our way in, and I had to let 5 trains go by that were absolutely jam packed. By the fifth train, I realized it was 9am, and had to force myself into one of the train cars. Made it in to work finally at 9:30, with only 1 or 2 colleagues that were also "heroes of snow", as one neighbor of mine called me as I passed him on his doorstep this morning.

It just amazes me how everything has shut down like this. If Syracuse or even NYC modes of transportation shut down everytime it snowed like it's snowing here, we'd never get anything done!

Check out this story. We're even on U.S. CNN:


  1. funny, that same sort of thing would happen in norfolk when I lived there if there was even so much as a SNOW Flurry! ;)

  2. Karlaaa! I'm so glad to hear you're having a good time... despite the weather! (It's been unusually cold in LA lately too, but at least it's not snowing.) Enjoy your travels and please keep on blogging! Looking forward to more Euro stories, esp if you hop over to Portugal. =D xoxoxo!

